About me

I’m a first year PhD student at the Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab supervised by Jan-Willem van de Meent and Sara Magliacane. As student in the UvA-Bosch Delta Lab I am also supervised by Sebastian Gerwinn. In general, I am interested in generative models, representation learning, and causality-inspired machine learning. Previously, I wrote my Master’s thesis on Autoencoders within Flows (AEFs) under the supervision of Luca Ambrogioni.

I obtained a Master’s degree in Computing Science from the Radboud University Nijmegen with a specialization in Data Science.


  • Gianluigi Silvestri*, Daan Roos*, Luca Ambrogioni. Deterministic training of generative autoencoders using invertible layers. International Conference on Learning Representations 2023. [Paper]